Flowers and Gardens

How to grow iris flowers

Gladiolus flower – Flowers and Gardenslabel : grow iris flowers, iris, grow flowers.

Did you know that a number of delicate and gayly-colored members of the Iris Family come from the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa? They are well adapted to the dry climate of California where the days are warm and the nights cool. Some of them, if planted deep and given some shade, do well in Florida. I find that Iris will grow in most parts of the country under the best of growing conditions, they will thrive more in some areas, less in others but for the most part can be grown about anywhere in the country with proper care. Now I will tell you about the varieties of Iris.

Babiana- Baboon Flower 8"-12", sometimes called the "Blue Freesia". The flowers are in racemes on short stems and the foliage is the typical sword like foliage of the Iris Family, but the leaves are hairy and plaited. These are mostly hybrids, ranging in color from blue-violet to red-violet and are taller and larger than the species.

Freesia- These are delicately colored and deliciously scented Iris. Freesias were originally white and yellow, but the modern hybrids come in various shades of rosy-pink and salmon, and even in lilac and blue-violet. These are recommended for outdoor planting only when the temperature never goes below 26 degrees.
Sparaxis- Wand Flowers, these are closely related to Freesias, but their colors are much more vivid.

Gladiolus flower – Flowers and GardensTritonia- These have anthers that vary in direction, the more tender of these species are good for pots, but are garden hardy only in California. The T-crocatea is a small speices like Freesia and may live thru one winter but doesn't persist for another.

Watsonia- These are the most beautiful of the cape bulbs, far lovelier than the Gladiolus to which they are actually related. They come in many different colors such as shrimp-pink, orange, peach, rose-red, lilac, apricot and magenta and there are also white varieties.
There are also Iris from Mexico and South America such as the Tigridia-Tiger Flowers, Leopard Flowers, Shell Flowers, these are such called as they are like the tiger "burning bright". They are spotted, not striped. The large brilliant flowers last only for a day, but they do appear in quick succession.

Cypella- These are hardier than Tigridia and as lovely though not as large nor so showy.

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Flowers and Gardens